We explained how different Management styles have been implemented in Africa and the diverse consequences that those approaches generated in an organization. We also analyzed how the cultural environment affects the relations between managers and employees.
Management in Africa is a cross-cultural issue both internally and externally because of the existent multiethnic and socioeconomic differences, but also because of the great influence that foreigners had have on the continent. Since decades ago, Africa has been conquered by Europeans who imposed several values and practices that changed the culture.
To explain in a better way, we focused in two main countries (Nigeria and Kenya ) in order to make clear how the western style has influenced the African style, affecting the way they behave and organize themselves. According to Georgie Tasie (2009) the problem in the managerial system of Nigeria , Ghana , Zimbabwe and Kenya is deeply rooted and widespread; they share some characteristics in terms of cultures and have been affected by different management styles that have an effect on the way of managing resources.
Africa-style management has been influenced by many different theories from diverse parts of the globe. The problem with these theories is not the management procedures by themselves, it is a matter of adaptation to the internal culture of the specific country, which means, if a practice works in one country, you cannot implemented in another one without any modification because each place has different backgrounds.
In a nutshell, Africa-style management has been influenced by many different theories from diverse parts of the world. The problem with these theories is not the management procedures by themselves, it is a matter of adaptation to the internal culture of the specific country, which means, if a practice works in one country, you cannot implemented in another one without any modification because each place has different backgrounds.
What is Ubuntu? How was it applied to support the merger process of the two companies?
According to Miles Recounts, the concept of Ubuntu is premised on the philosophy that one finds one’s own humanity in helping others to find theirs. In other words, I am a human because you are a human. They adopted the Ubuntu philosophy to serve as the foundation for their outgoing commitment to create a working environment that is beneficial to the company and the employee.
Within a Company, Ubuntu is used in the sense of unity concerning the well being of each other and when decision must be taken. The African Bank Miners Credit employed Ubuntu to harmonize the business and the work of employees due to the several internal and cultural differences that they had. Examples of the Ubuntu process applied inside the company:
- The tale of the bird and the badger was utilized to explain how teamwork would make growth the company; they stated that what is good for us is good for you and vice versa.
- The tale of the elephant became so big was used to clarify that the organization has a commitment with the community. Hence the company selects and train people from the area in order to improve the lifestyle standards.
- The tale of the bird that learnt to fly was used to give an explanation on social responsibility, how the organization helps the community through education and training to enhance the live of the village
Investor in People (IIP) is an international standard that aims at improving companies’ performance by investing in people. In the global business scenario, is this standard useful, relevant and likely to become as important as international quality standards?
As Miles said the IIP process has focused a lot of attention on the need to develop staff. “Investors in People has taught us that it is very important to ensure that employees at grass level understand what we are doing”. IIP make staff feel part of the organization and work with more enthusiasm because they are been treat more like a human being that like a worker.
· Mangaliso, Mzamo. 2003. Building competitive advantage from Ubuntu. In Thomas, David Clinton, editor, Readings and cases in International Management: A cross-cultural perspective.
· African Bank Miners Credit – Case Study
· Photo taken from http://www.portalwallpaper.net on May 12th 2010
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